About Us

Named after the picturesque Fidalgo Island where our family journey began, we are a husband-and-wife team who embarked on the entrepreneurial path together. We are fortunate to have earned trust of experienced mentors to help us along our journey. We are ready to roll up our sleeves and pour our hearts into running one business as a family.


As an energy professional with 15 years of experience, Natalia develops novel ideas and can see various perspectives because she has worked with a broad spectrum of people, on offshore rigs, in remote field locations including North Dakota, Colorado, Texas, and Louisiana, and at a desk, in Russia, Malaysia, Norway, and the U.S. One of her favorite quotes is: “Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.” (Will Rogers). Natalia is ready to take on new roles and responsibilities, adapting to new environments and challenges.


Artur is used to solving some of the most complex problems both in the air and on the ground. He had the privilege to serve the United States as an aviator in the Navy both domestically and while deployed overseas. He led complex missions and managed large divisions to ensure maximum readiness in any operational scenario. After working both in the public and the private sectors, Artur knows that human talent is what sets apart good companies from great ones. Having worked alongside and learned from some of the best leaders in the military, Artur is prepared to tackle any contingency with resolve.


As the most junior yet equally involved partner, Alex excels in the area of public relations. In his short time he has visited three countries, lived in three different towns, and learned to speak two languages. Alex thoroughly enjoys water-related activities, slides in the park, and trying new food.